Thursday, 7 July 2011

Memories are made of this

Pairs - or Pelmanism - is a popular game in our house. While Daisy is still prone to give up if it's not going her way, Buddy is reaching the age where his youthful, brilliant brain gets him winning every time - often spectacularly.

By accident we've recently acquired a new set of Pairs cards. And they are unique, beautiful and personalised to boot.

I wanted some prints of our recent happy holiday in Wales and so ordered two sets - one for us and the other to give to Nan and Grandad. Using Snappy Snaps' online service for the first time, I mistakenly ordered photographs of just 6cm x 8cm - too small.

While I was able to get another set of larger prints for free (thank you, man in Snappy Snaps) - there I was with two sets of mini-photographs - the cutest, playing card sized, blue-skied snaps ever.

In a flash of inspiration I came up with the idea of using them to play Pairs. Simple.

We've since made a snazzy box to store the cards and it's proving to be a fabulously fun way to enjoy our photographs and share some precious memories.

And yes, so far Buddy has won every time.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! and what a lovely keepsake of your holiday!


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